Monday, October 1, 2007

Journal 9

For today's journal, please respond to each group's presentation. Tell what you liked best.


Anonymous said...

What was the impact of the Vietnam War on both the USA and the Vietnam?

The Impact on the US:

-Johnson and Nixon were accused of abusing their power
-War powers act 1973
-Vietnam made US reluctant to get directly involved in future wars
-they preferred to fund anti communists
-it was not until the gulf war of 1991 that the US fought in another major battle

The Impact of Vietnamese:

-2.5 million dead
-millions terrorized
-Bombing flattened large areas of Vietnam – more bombs dropped than all of WW2
-one quarter of forest destroyed
-war led to starvation
-50,000 “American Asian” children born to Vietnamese women

The Impact on US soldiers:

-9 million soldiers were drafted
-their average age was 24 (but not 19)
-“draft dodgers”
-disproportionate number of conscripts were from minority groups
- Wide scale drug abuse
-58,000 US soldiers died
-Many committed suicide after conflict
-no “heroes welcome”

Why did the US lose:

-They never won the support of ordinary people
-seen as foreign occupiers
-ho Chi Minh offered people what they wanted
-US did not understand Vietnamese people
-USA was associated with Diem
-US committed atrocities
-Unable to defeat Guerilla Tactics

The Impact on the US Citizens:

-by 1968 majority were against the war
-daily reports in newspapers, Nightly TV footage
-cost of the war had destroyed Johnson’s “great society”
-anti-war protesters included Bob Dylan, Mohammed Ali, and Martin Luther King

Mike Ramsey said...

Group 1 (Andre and Chris): Trace different countries’ views towards the national government’s role in providing for social welfare policies from the days of the Great Depression to today. Which country or countries’ do you think are “getting it right”?

3. (Josh and Jeremy)Since the end of World War II, the Cold War has shaped the history of the United States and the world. What caused the Cold War, and how did it affect Americans at home and abroad from the end of the Second World War through the tearing down of the Berlin Wall in 1986?

The Cold War was the result of tension between communist and capitalist societies. The cold war caused a modern day witch hunt among the USA after the war.

4. (Tyler and Alex) Some events in American history have produced controversies that have sharply divided Americans. Construct an essay that analyzes how the New Deal, McCarthyism, and desegregation all created deep rifts in American society, and the terms on which the controversies they created were resolved.

The new deal has product one clear effect it has divided much of todays politics into Conservatives and Liberals

5. (Kyle) Discuss the effects of technological advaces since 1990.

Technology is make life better for those who have the money. That it has improved life spans for many cultures. In the last 100 year it has be great leap in the accomplishments in the area of technology. And with it people around the world are becoming closer.

6. (Brian and Eric) Hindsight is 20/20. What have we learned about isolationism versus interventionism from studying world history in a revisionist vein since 1900?

Isolationism causes slow growth, but with interventionism counties can’t compete on the global market.

shacor7370 said...

Social warfare a lot of people don’t like Americans. Japan had national health care. Very benifical cuts cost. Pensions were 5o% because people living longer after retirement. They take care of the elders unlike Americans and are very family oriented.

#2. ww2 period- second class not equal. Need more man power for war so blacks got to fight with French and the really appreciated it. Resulted in more civil right movements and equality. Were treated like heroes in the war but afterwards were back to second class and nothing. They didn’t want this wanted equality. Civil right sleaders like Dr Martin Luther king jr.

#3. Result of tension between communist and capitalist. Russia wanted atomic bomb led to US being dominant power. Spread of market economy and current civil conflicts.

#4. New Deal –climb out of Great Depression Brown vs board of education desegregation and mccarthism. Liberal –supported new deal. Conservative against new deal.

#5. Nuclear Fusion, scramjet-jet engine worked better high altitude. Technology getting smaller- I pods and nano. Bioengineering for food processing and cloning, stronger and smarter species.

#6. Isolationalism ww2 weren’t interested in other people’s war

I was more interested in group 2 presentation it had to do with more of the civil rights period of time.